Thursday, January 14, 2016

The One Where Zach Starts A Blog

Hello interwebs, this is your captain speaking.

This is a blog concerning the topics presented in my Classical Philosophy class at Baylor University. As such it will be responses to the material as prescribed by Dr. Anne-Marie Schultz. My majors are history and anthropology so I don't consider myself very well versed in the technicalities of philosophy and all that. I do however look forward to the content of the course and the opportunity to engage in a more interactive, less traditional style class structure.

Why the repulsively odd and vaguely presumptuous title you ask? Because I think I'm far more clever and witty than I actually am. And what's a blog about ancient thinkers without a dash of irony, right? Right.

A bit about me: I’ll be graduating in December so the real world is getting a bit too close for comfort. I’m in Sing Alliance at Baylor, which is one of the best things I’ve done, despite my terrible lack of coordination and dance ability. In addition to school and everything else I have a full time job. As a result, my philosophizing will undoubtedly be more last minute and redbull-induced than I would like. But one does what one must.

Unfortunately, I am unable to properly engage with the material as my books are currently in the mail (thanks, Amazon). So I’ll keep this entry woefully inadequate and make up for it later.

Looking forward to a wonderful semester of blogging for all the world (hey, Mom), but mostly just my professor and TA, to see.

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